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On Sat, 9 Mar 2002 09:48, you wrote:
> FWIW thought I'd make a few comments on the new 3D view stuff, realizing
> that it is still being worked on.
> Note that when you change the 3D cockpit view angle in Fly!, the panel in
> effect becomes disabled and as far as I can tell is just a static texture
> on the front wall of the aircraft model interior.  The knobs and controls
> are hard enough to see and control using a mouse with a straight on view,
> let alone when 3D perspective angles are mapped to 2D.

I think we should be closest to Fly than to MSFS in this regard. The cockpit 
should be exactly the way it is in the real thing, minus the yokes because 
they get in the way. This will make FlightGear a usual tool for cockpit 
familiarisation. Fly's implementation of a 3d cockpit is a little lacking in 
a key area. It isn't really 3d. FGFS's is and should be a real 3d cockpit 
that is totally mouse scrollable. It can still have number keys locked to 
"bookmark" view positions, but it should be free scrolling. It should also 
have every single button doing exactly what it does in the real thing. 

That's my opinion anyway, FWIW. Thanks,

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