Erik Hofman writes:

 > And, did you enjoy it?

Yes, very much.  After I was cleared for takeoff, I backtracked to the
end of 04, turned the plane around, lined up with the centreline, then
stopped the plane completely.  I took a breath for two seconds, then
pushed in the throttle and the rest was automatic.  I very much liked
being in the plane by myself, and felt much less anxiety than I do
when the instructor is with me.

I've heard that people are often surprised by how fast the plane
climbs on their first solo without the extra body on board.  I didn't
notice that (the C172 is pretty heavy anyway), but I did end up in an
extraordinarily long flare, even with full flaps and 65kt over the
fence -- thank god for 3,000ft runways.

 > Congratulations!

Thanks (and thanks to everyone else for their kind wishes as well).

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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