Curtis L. Olson writes:

 > I would argue that if we do embed a script interpreter it should be
 > really small, tight, and light weight.  1Mb of compressed source seems
 > excessive ... this is almost exactly the same size as the entire
 > flightgear source, so we'd be roughly doubling the size of our source
 > and the time to compile ...

Point well taken.  I'd like to see a small interpreter, perhaps
100K-200K source -- I'm sure it could be done, even for ECMAScript.

 > Also we need to consider that each new dependency we add
 > significantly increases the barrier for new developers to get all
 > the pieces in place to build their own executable.

I agree strongly, but we do need scripting to take FlightGear to the
next level.  We've been abusing the XML a little, as Norm has often
graciously pointed out -- XML should be used for representing state
(data tables, etc.), and scripting languages should be used for
representing data.  It is just as stupid to use XML for procedural


as it is to use a programming language for declarative stuff

  inst = new Instrument;
  inst.addLayer(new Layer);

 > In light of this, having an external scripting system that uses a
 > network interface becomes attractive.  However, there can be
 > performance issues with that which might be addressed by a built in
 > script engine.

It's also a dependency problem, again.  Once FlightGear starts to
depend on scripting, users are going to have to have a Java, Perl, or
Python environment set up on their computers (or an accessible
computer, anyway), and that raises a barrier for new users, which is
even worse than a barrier for new developers.  Of the three, Java is
the most likely to be already installed on a user's machine, but even
then they probably have no idea how to use it.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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