On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 17:39, Michael Selig wrote:
> I am trying to compile and run the latest version of fgfs, but I have
> hit a problem.  When I run it I promptly get the error message
> "Segmentation Fault"
> There are no other messages.
> What I have:
> - Redhat 7.1
> - automake 1.6.3
> - autoconf 2.53
> - plib 1.6.0
> - yesterday's cvs of Simgear, fgfsbase, Flightgear (0.9)
> I am able to compile and run my older version of fgfs (from
> 8/20/2002) w/ the new plib and Simgear.
> Also, we're able to compile and run the new setup on some other
> Redhat machines.
> So this does seem to be machine specific, but I have not changed
> anything at the system level.
> Anyone have any ideas on what I could try next?

It may help to know where it's crashing.

run fgfs with this:
gdb fgfs
type run at the gdb prompt then, when it crashes, type bt and post the

> Regards,
> Michael
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