At 10/23/02, Curtis Olson wrote:
Michael Selig writes:
> I am still getting the same segfault w/ this option.
> It even promptly crashes w/
> ./fgfs --help
> i.e. I don't get the option list.

Are you missing the base package some how, or pointing to the wrong
If I run my working old version w/o setting FG_ROOT, I get this:

[221] m-selig@qtee:/home/m-seligSim/work> ./flightsim-0.7.pre11/src/Main/fgfs
FlightGear: Version 0.7.11pre1
Built with GNU C++ version 2.96

Scanning for root: command line
fg_root = /home/m-seligSim/www-flightgear-org/fgfsbase

Usage: strings/usage

--help, -h strings/help-desc
For a complete list of options use --help --verbose
Base package check failed ... Found version 0.9.0 at: /home/m-seligSim/www-flightgear-org/fgfsbase
Please upgrade to version0.7.11pre1

When I run the new one the same way, I get this:

[226] m-selig@qtee:/home/m-seligSim/www-flightgear-org> ./FlightGear/src/Main/fgfs
Segmentation fault

So this does not seem to be related to the base package.

I will not rule out that I could be making some mistakes at my end, but I have already tried working this out w/ Rob Deters here. Also, our most recent update follows the steps we have taken before ... and on Rob's computer it is working. He is running Redhat 7.2. I am running 7.1, and that's the only difference on the surface.

Still puzzled in Illinois ... and trying very hard to avoid having to reinstall my wonderful Linux box.

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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