On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 19:03:52 -0700
WillyB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello!
> Just got done flying around KSFO for about an hour w/ one of my sons, the 11yr old 
> via networked flightgears :)
> What a Blast!
> He asked me to ask you guys if you would make some guns for his airplane 
> becuase he wants shoot dad down!  He was on my tail and had me dead to rights 
> a few times too..  lol

Well now, 11 years old is nearly as old as many of the hackers I know.  To me, they 
all look that age (the Supreme Court is starting to look a bit young).  So get him 
into programming, and he can start coding the weapons for us.


P.S. Tell him to remember that each round fired (especially the depleted uranium 
ones), or bomb dropped instantaneously alters the CG, and hence the position of the 
airframe with respect to it (just like using fuel), so we have to hope that the 
'reference' thread comes to a conclusion soon!.  And firing cannon rounds will 
generate a force vector that needs modelling too!

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