On Thursday 10 July 2003 17:11, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> WillyB writes:
> > Hmmmm.... At least it's not WinBlows :P
> >
> > Seriously, and just out of curiousity, what OS would be your choice?
> This is getting *way* off topic and *way* into the area of personal
> opinion, but I personally run Debian.  I've been hearing good things
> about Gentoo lately so that's on the todo list to take a look at.  But
> honestly, just about any current distribution will give you a decently
> running system at the end of the day, and with the exception of minor
> version variations and config file locations, you'll probably end up
> with similar running and performing systems no matter which
> distribution you choose.
> Probably most experienced unix users will have a list of personal
> preferences and configuration choices they'll want to set up for
> themselves so in the end it probably doesn't matter too much what you
> start out with.  I always end up with pretty much the same things.
> Different distributions play to various experience levels, and you get
> the occaisional outlayers like linux from source which are fun if you
> want to spend the rest of your life (and then some) compiling
> software.
> Reminds of a Dr. Suess book:
> Permission to reproduce here granted by Hannah, my 2.5 year old
> daughter. :-)
> Left distro
> Left distro
> Right distro
> Right.
> Distros in the day.
> Distros in the night.
> Wet distro
> Dry distro
> High distro
> Low distro.
> Back distro
> Front distro
> Distro, distro, distro.
> How many different
> distros you meet!
> Slow distro
> Quick distro
> Well distro
> Sick distro
> Up distro
> Down distro
> Here comes clown distro.
> Small distro
> Big distro
> Here comes pig distro.
> His distro
> Her distro
> Fuzzy fur distro.
> In the house
> and on the street,
> how many different
> distros you meet.
> Curt.

Thats a neat little poem.. many thanks to Hannah for the permission :)
(but can you say that out loud very very fast and not mess it up? I can't! 

I was just curious about it because I have only used this and freebsd.
In the end, if it will run FGFS, it's ok in my book! :-)

Apologies for getting off topic :/

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