On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 17:20:11 -0400
David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Richard A Downing FBCS writes:
>  > Wonderful aeroplane!  I flew one (pilot under instruction) in the
>  > late '60's.  Do it, just for the contrast.  Then an FG model
>  > perhaps?
> I'm planning to do it, but I do want to take some time just to gloat
> over my instrument rating first.  I did my first IFR flight as a rated
> pilot today, though (unfortunately) it was in good VMC.  I took my
> ten-year-old daughter along, and I can say that it's much harder to
> stay in tolerances, even in VMC, with distractions on board.

Another Chippy advantage then, you can't see what's happening in the back seat!  With 
a 10 year old this may be a grave disadvantage I suspect.

I think you are right to enjoy the new freedom.

But when you are ready for a taildragger, you can't go wrong with a Chipmunk, 
thousands of RAF (and RCAF) pilots started on it.  The controls, if remember 
correctly, are light, but the aeroplane has great penetration, as if it were a heavier 
machine.  A stick, not a yoke, of course, and nice big trim wheels.  Something to look 
forward to then.


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