David Megginson wrote:
> I was amazed at how tricky this got a year or so ago when I was
> experimenting with it.  I agree that we need some kind of damping at
> slow speed.  Essentially, the gear forces have to become a special
> case, reducing forces and moments towards zero but never beyond into
> the opposite sign.

For the record, I tried it too.  It didn't work for me either. :)

The problem again comes down to the fact that it's a multivariable
problem.  There are multiple gear objects, and only some of them may
be skidding at any given moment.  The notion of "holding forces at
zero" makes intuitive sense, but underneath that it has very little
physical meaning.

I still think the "rooted spring" model has the most promise, although
it too is complicated by the fact that rolling wheels will "skid" in
only one dimension.


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