Wolfram Kuss wrote:
> I would be very interested to know how many polygons per second FGFS
> is rendering. Do you have a ballpark number?

Sorry Worfram, I have no idea where I could get that number from.
Does FGFS have a debug swicth which activates the display of such a
number ?
The only thing we know is that high polygon models obviously don't have
a noticeable impact on the framerate on the Octane.

> It might be nice to have several sections of the benchmark and in one
> try to maximize poly count of the scene and minimize all else.

In fact, I did the package primarily to evaluate if it is worth
spending the money (I don't have ....) for a V8 graphics board for my
Octane - now that I've already upgraded CPU, Powersupply, Frontplane
and Mainboard. I sort of have an Octane2 now, but the appropriate
graphics board is missing. I'm still waiting for someone to show up,
calling out that he has a V8 to run that 'benchmark' ;-)
If FlightGear has the abilities to display more numbers that just the
framerate I'd be happy to extend the package accordingly,

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