Melchior FRANZ schrieb:

one more serious problem:
- adjust HUD transparency
does not switch but after you leave the menue ('cancel') the *main*

How is this more "serious"? This is by *design* and was like that since
Melchior, you cut off the very *important* part of the sentence:
->>> does not switch but after you leave the menue ('cancel') the *main* menue is frozen (no reaction on clicks)<<<

In my eyes something is serious when you make a legal keypress and afterwards a big part of the programs functions don't work anymore = the main menu is frozen = you can only use keycodes not the mouse and the main-menue entries are not accessible anymore. Ok, if this is "by design" then all is ok, I just reported an error which might be a problem for *other* user.
Not for me anymore as I know about these features.

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