Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

It is a wonderful project - amazing that you can get paid to do it ! ;)

Well unfortunately I only get paid a very small amount of my time to do it, but maybe in the future if we can get more funding that percentage might increase ...

I'm sure this has been asked before, but is the I/O fast enough that you
can pilot the aircraft using the FG instruments and synthetic view?

Right now the answer is no, but we suspect that we have some problems with our radio modem link. But given the limited time I (and others) have to work on the project, we haven't had a chance to dig into that particular issue.

No idea if it would be useful, bit it would be cool.

It definitely would be cool to be able to remotely pilot the aircraft without direct visual contact. At least if done with all the appropriate safety precautions and authorizations. It's something we hope to try in the future. With the synthetic view you can include things like restricted airspace, waypoint goals, artificially enhanced obstacles, etc. You could setup a 'virtual ils' for a perfect approach every time. We have added code to CVS (Thanks Mathias!!!) to return the lon, lat, elev of a scenery point if you click on it. In the future this point could be then fed into some external database to lookup a street address for instance. There are a lot of variations you could think of. If you did a frame grab of the video and inserted it into FG, you could click on the video and get back the lon/lat of the point you clicked on which could be useful if you spot an accident or some other incident that requires deploying some sort of emergency response. For instance, you spot an odd plume of smoke, you could fly over, try to determine if its intentinional or accidental and deploy the fire dept. accordingly. Think civilian police, fire, disaster mgmt, traffic management type applications here ...

It reminds me of a quote I heard from the test pilot of the A380 (or
whatever the latest huge Airbus is) when asked about his first flight in
the plane - "It flew just like the simulator". Apparently the fly-by-wire
system was identical

Well we are pretty close to having it look the same in the flight simulator. We haven't started to make it fly the same just yet, but that will be a really interesting process I hope because we have real flight test data to contend with. We also have a student thinking about doing some wind tunnel tests on the airframe.



Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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