The magnetic compass in the defailt 2d panel has been broken for some time.
(worked in 0.9.8)  This is the built-in magnetic compass defined in
Cockpit/panel.*xx and Cockpit/built_in/FGMagRibbon.cxx

I've got it back in operation, allthough I don't quite understand why.

Putting back the non-const getTexture() alias in panel.hxx which was
removed in a cleanup patch some time ago; panel.hxx line 470: virtual FGCroppedTexture &getTexture () { return _texture; }

and changing back Cockpit/built_in/FGMagRibbon.cxx, line 68, to:
FGCroppedTexture &t = getTexture(); the compass back alright.  But the finer details of C++ storage must
elude me here, because I honestly can't see what was wrong with the current
code. (The current "FGCroppedTexture t = getTexture();" should yield a new
perfectly writable FGCroppedTexture in "t", shouldn't it?)

The texture in question is altered in the following line (setting the
cropping limits) so it has to be writable.

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