"David Megginson" wrote:

> The TerraGear scenery bug with the Great Lakes (and possibly other
> large inland lakes?) is pretty serious -- it leaves many midwest U.S.
> and central Canadian cities perched on giant cliffs overlooking the
> lakes.

I'd call this an early pre-release, especially because you have to hack
the coordinates of your preferred location into the URL, but it could
help working towards a solution to this issue. I've set up a Mapserver
on our Landcover-DB that contains lots of funny stuff - including three
different sources for shoreline data.

Please, _please_ read _before_ everyone enters the URL into their web
browser  :-)
While the machine performs quite well as WWW-, FTP- and database server
(as well as our local fileserver !), is was not sized to to the job of
an online web mapping server. The server is running only with 256 MByte
of RAM at a 400 MHz clock cycle, so please take care with these rare
ressources - try to use it asynchronously  ;-)

In the Mapserver page you can select different layers. The DB contains
all layers that are being used for the current Scenery (and some more)
but not all layers in the DB are listed in the drop-down chooser. The
single reason for this constraint is that I simply didn't find the time
to determine colours that represent all those different landcover types
in a reasonable manner ....

Somewhere down the list you'll find 'landmass_default', 'swbd' and
'gshhs coastline'. The first is from VMAP0 and seems to represent
political boundaries, the second is the SRTM water body data, the third
- you name it. So, here you are:


SWBD contains some really interesting details that others don't because
it is a real 'picture' of the current situation when The Shuttle came
by. This means it doesn't know about tides ....  some small islands
are represented with the double of their actual width because of low
tide. There is notion of lakes where not lake actually is - maybe
because of strong rain falls. Some lakes don't show up in any of
the three datasets ....
VMAP0 is about political boundaries so it appears not so much to care
about small details in the shoreline. GSHHS is very accurate at those
places where I had a look at and is now split into four categories:
coastline, lakes, islands in those lakes, ponds on those islands.

Please have a look and try to determine which one matches best. The map
starts at Lake Constance with VMAP0 lakes only. The pan-buttons in the
corners currently don't work (I'll have to look after this) but you can
click into the map to re-center it. You also can enter the respective
coordinates in the 'imgext' part of the URL. I'll soon have a modified
page where you can enter a location for the start.

Have fun,
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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