On Wednesday 15 March 2006 01:47, Georg Vollnhals wrote:
> alexis bory schrieb:
> > hi,
> >
> > I put on my server an .tgz of the a10.
> >
> > http://croo.murgl.org/fgfs/A-10/A-10.tar.gz
> >
> > I'll try to freeze the dev and concentrate in some weigth
> > and textures optimization, plus tiddy up, until (maybe) it's
> > comited and released.
> >
> > hope you enjoy it.
> >
> > Alexis
> Hi Alexis,
> I only had a very short flight with the updated A-10 and just
> want to give some feedback
> 1. the quality of your panelwork is phantastic!
> All the details, even if one looks very! near at the
> instruments. I like that fuel-counter clicking through, very
> realistic how it is done. And the scratches on the CRT display
> :-)
> Very nice sidepanels left and right.
> Keep up your high-quality work and standard
> 2. although this is *not* your problem as you are doing the
> panel work, I want to report that is was not nice to fly the
> a/c by hand, I then used the autopilot.
> It behaves very sensible on the "nick" axis and "lame" on the
> roll axis. If I remember right, I enjoyed the A-10 some months
> ago and something has changed, might be due to the new JSB-Sim
> flightmodel? Or is it not JSB? And I must admit that I have
> not upgraded CVS for 2 or 3 days - might be there were some
> changes there.
> Also this not as a critics but as a feedback.
> Thank you once again, you are doing outstanding panel work!
> Regards
> Georg EDDW

Hello Georg,

I am afraid that the changes to the behaviour of the A-10 and 
it's autopilot are my fault.  I had to re-appraise the A-10 
YASim config after a bug concerning the wing incidence in the 
solver was fixed.

After the bug was fixed the A-10 config still seemed to solve 
with reasonable numbers but I had also found out some more 
information about the A-10 'loiter' mode, where one engine is 
shut down to save fuel, and wanted to aim towards making this 
regime work, as well as the normal regimes.

This meant changing some of the values I used in the YASim 
config, which in turn has changed the flight characteristics.  
This is not to mention the change in the wing incidence, which 
just in itself makes the 'new' version very much a 0.1 release.

For info, from looking at a lot of pictures and drawings, the 
A-10 appears to have slightly negative wing incidence and flies 
'nose-up' most of the time.  This would fit with the apparent 
depressed angle of the cannon (which in the current FG version 
incorrectly fires straight ahead).

The work that Alexis is doing on the cockpit will actually help 
refine some of the numbers used in the YASim config.  For 
example, when we think that the viewpoint from the cockpit is 
correct we must also be able to see not only targets that we may 
be firing upon but also the runway on approach, which in turn 
narrows down things like the AoA in that regime of flight and 
which can get fed back in to the YASim config.

The autopilot structure/hierarchy has almost been completely 
re-designed, is very experimental and the A-10 is the first 
aircraft to use it :)   (The Canberra will be the second, when 
Josh gets the updates sorted out ;) and the third will be the 
SU-37 I've just started modelling)

I wasn't sure what you actually meant by sensible in the 'nick' 

Anyway, cutting to the chase, what are the characteristics that 
you don't like or think are wrong in the current version?  I 
guess I should mention that I haven't been able to get my 
joystick working since moving to alsa (j/s port on soundcard) so 
I can only fly using the mouse or k/b atm, which isn't very 

Both the YASim config and the autopilot certainly need more work.

Just a last thought - are you using the cvs version of FG?


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