Chris Metzler wrote:

Hi.  We had a Fedora Core user come into the IRC channel tonight, unable
to get FG to run without crashing.  He'd downloaded the 0.9.9 rpm from
the links provided on the FlightGear website.  It turns out that that
.rpm is built against, and distributes, freeglut 2.4; so it crashes
with the usual
freeglut (fgfs) : Failed to create cursor
freeglut ERROR: Function <glutSetCursor> called without first calling 'glutinit'


If we're imminently releasing 0.9.10, it'd be good to avoid the same
issue with the new release.


Thanks for the comment Chris. I wrote the RPMs for the 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 linux releases on the main server (and am therefore the de facto maintainer of them :-( ).

I was planning on doing 0.9.10 as soon as I can. I hadn't been aware of any troubles with the existing 0.9.9 though. I tested 0.9.9 on FC2 and FC4 before releasing and it all seemed OK then. I tend to run FG at home on my FC2 machine - my work machine doesn't currently have the Nvidia drivers installed for its antique Quadra card.

Freeglut is not distributed by the Flightgear RPMs, though Flightgear RPMs obviously "requires" it. I've got bog standard FC4 and freeglut 2.2.0-16 on my work machine for instance, no sign of freeglut 2.4... Flightgear RPM doesn't insist on any particular version of freeglut BTW, just whatever is available.

What's the fix? Insist on only a certain version of Freeglut?

Thanks in advance.
Steve Hosgood.

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