
Tony Pelton schrieb:
> On 6/10/06, dene maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I know from my experience with FGTools, FGFS and TaxiDraw that parsing the
>>APT file is not trivial ...the downside is of course the need for a
>>SpecialAPT.DAT to cater for this and the inherent support and maintenance
> it's interesting that you would say this.
> i had the same experience when i was doing some work for an x-plane
> plugin, that parsing those files was tedious and so ... 1980's ...
> it's nice to hear someone else say the current format is a pain too.

Writing a parser is always work we rather wouldn't be doing as we'd 
rather devote ourselves to working with the data than to reading or 
writing it from or to file.

What makes XML easier to parse is the presence of generic parser 
libraries that physically parse the XML entities. You still don't have 
your data cleanly fetched out of that. The property tree probably is one 
of the obligatory exceptions.

The reason why parsing apt.dat is a PITA is the lots of data to be 
parsed and interpreted for runways and taxiways (lighting, material, 
stopways, etc.). This data doesn't get less with XML and it certainly 
won't get less with the new format.


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