Ralf Gerlich wrote:
> Writing a parser is always work we rather wouldn't be doing as we'd 
> rather devote ourselves to working with the data than to reading or 
> writing it from or to file.
> What makes XML easier to parse is the presence of generic parser 
> libraries that physically parse the XML entities. You still don't have 
> your data cleanly fetched out of that. The property tree probably is one 
> of the obligatory exceptions.
> The reason why parsing apt.dat is a PITA is the lots of data to be 
> parsed and interpreted for runways and taxiways (lighting, material, 
> stopways, etc.). This data doesn't get less with XML and it certainly 
> won't get less with the new format.

That's the big argument that Ben Supnik gave me.  He converted a single 
airport to an xml represenation and it was about 2Mb just for the one 
airport.  Of course he used the most verbose xml variant he could 
devise, but it is true that the data size would expand, and for this 
particular amount of data, it would likely be a substantial expansion.  
I suggested XML just because I thought it would be fun to watch Austin 
go through the contortions of writing an XML parser. :-)  Yes I know, 
small things humor me. :-)


Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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