Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> * Georg Vollnhals -- Wednesday 14 June 2006 11:57:
>> Melchior FRANZ schrieb:
>>> * Georg Vollnhals -- Wednesday 14 June 2006 03:02:
>>>> Take the BO105 and goo for a straight and level flight with 100-120 
>>>> knts. Then push the collective down. [...]                  ^^^^^^^
>>> That's "translational lift".
>> No. Translational list is an additional lift component related to 
>> helicopter speed against the air and will start at about 12 to 20 knts 
> Pardon? You spoke about 100-120 knots. I said it's translational lift.
> You disgree because translational lift starts with 12 to 20 knots?!?
> Doesn't make the least sense.
> m.
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> Flightgear-devel mailing list

I think the 100-120 kts figure is irrelevant, he was talking about
autorotation there, which has pretty much nothing to do with what we are
talking about now.

We are mixing two effects here, ETL and transverse flow effect. In my
original post I was talking about ETL, and failed to mention transverse
flow, as well as LTE, both of which should have been on that list. These
two effects are also related to dissymmetry of lift, retreating blade
stall and delta-3 blade hinges. Here are some excellent descriptions of
the difference between the two. Point was, there are a lot of important
effects missing from the simulation or not realistically implemented.


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