On Thursday 24 May 2007 19:40, Joacim Persson wrote:
> Patch attached.
> Added steering to the four aftmost main gear axels -- with animations!
> Found out just the other day that the AN-225 indeed steers on some of the
> main gear wheels. The minimum turning radius is a wild guess however.
> (Assumed a 45 deg average on the nose gears.) It now turns (quite
> effortlessly) around a point straight out to the side from the second main
> gear axel (nr 2 of the 3 non-steerable main gear axels), with a minimum
> radius of 25.75 meters. (i.e. near engine nr 1 or 6) The option "squared"
> was removed on steering. (Squaring radians messed up my calculations of the
> turning angle of the respective wheels. Not that it's a perfect calculation
> now either.) Ground wheel steering should, rather, not be connected to
> directly the rudder pedals I think...
> Also added transition-time(s) for the steering.

Hi Joachim,

Yes, the AN-225 does incorporate steering on some of the main units - 
according to 


it's the rear four sets.  This site also has some nice pics of the main gear, 
which show that the front three and rear four units are different, if anyone 
would like to make more detailed and accurate main gear units:)

The AN-225 also has a max taxiing weight but I couldn't find the doc which 
stated what it was:(  Basically, it means that the AN-225 cannot make ground 
turns above this weight and so for mtow takeoffs it has to be lined up on the 
runway and then loaded.  Unlike the AN-124, from which it was developed, it 
was never intended for short-field operation.

One new 'fact' I found while trying to find the max taxi weight was that the 
takeofff run at mtow is 3500m (11500ft).  I think the FG AN-225, at mtow, 
gets off the ground a little shorter than this - iirc, I tried to tune it so 
that it could just, and only just, get over the hills after leaving on KSFO 
27, figuring that it would be in the right ball park and that it had to work 
at the default FG airport.


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