On Thu, 24 May 2007, Andy Ross wrote:

> Joacim Persson wrote:
>> README.yasim says the "semi-deprecated" transition-time is "Time in
>> seconds to slew through input range." I'm not quite sure what it is,
>> but it's not that. ;)
> It's coded to assume that the "input range" is 0-1.

>From experimenting with it, I gathered it also assumes an /output/ range of
the same scale. To have a movement over one second with an input range of
0--1 and an output range of 0.0--0.1 (using src/dst tweaks), the
transition-time value have to be set 10 seconds. From the docs, however,
one would expect the value to stay at 1.0 seconds regardless of how the
output range is tweaked. So docs and code doesn't agree here and that may
cause some confusion for the users.

> It was really written for landing gear.  If you want to model hydraulic
> delays (which is what I think is happening here) you'd probably be
> happier with some Nasal anyway.  Thus the "semi-deprecated" note: this
> feature still works as intended, but there are far more robust ways to
> solve the same problem in the modern environment.

Yes synchronising multiple steering wheels accurately -- make all the 20
steerable wheel hubs point at exactly the same spot on the tarmac
throughout the full interval -- would take scripting anyway, involving
atan() and other evil trigonometric chants. ;)

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