Vivian Meazza schreef:
> Obviously someone who keeps right up-to-date with FG, and reads our 
> website
> :-). Try this:
> John Wojnaroski is particularly active in this field
> Vivian 
I know about the OpenGC project, but that'ts not really what I was 
looking for.

ARINC661, for example, has a clear separation between the display 
graphics and the rendering engine. The ARINC661 instruments are based on 
SVG vector-based artwork, compiled into byte code (purely for size 
issues). The display units 'run' this byte code and convert it into the 
appropriate image.

Problem with OpenGC: The display graphics are hard-coded in the source 
code of the project, and currently only Boeing-related. No Airbus, no 
Honeywell, and definitely no steam gauges.

For example as comparison, FS2004, as well as the FG instrument system, 
use stacked bitmap images which have arrangements defined in an XML 
file. Why not make an application that does that externally? In the long 
run, if OpenGL is used as a rendering API, it could also be used to 
render vector-based images as well. I'm targeting a generic audience, 
from a Cessna flyer to a 744 or 787 pilot. Keep the actual graphics out 
of the program code, but the rendering in there.

For speed, you could reduce this to a VM-based architecture, with the 
instruction set corresponding to OpenGL rendering commands and the data 
in memory being the A/C data pulled out of a simulator like FG, FS2004 
or PS1, hence almost a full ARINC661 implementation.

On the hardware front, each DU could be driven by their own TFT display 
(portrait) and a Mini-ITX form factor board on the back. MiniITX boards 
have LVDS connections on board, and are powerful enough to run 2D 
graphics. If a DU fails, the network code could be programmed to detect 
that and let another DU take over. Some of the intelligence could be 
transferred from FG to the external applications and interface logic, 
while still keeping FG up to date on any changes, through the property 

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