Curt wrote:
> I wonder if there is some sort of floating point resolution / rounding 
> problem with the sort?  
> I see a lot of flickering myself.  Also if I look some particular direction 
> and the clouds get 
> sorted ok, then look away for even a second, and then look back (by changing 
> the view 
> direction) the clouds seem to have totally lost their previous correct sort 
> and need to be 
> sorted again ... but that doesn't happen until the clouds come back in view.  
> I'm not sure 
> what the sort criteria is, but it seems strange that the sort order would get 
> messed up in 
> a brief second of not having a particular set of clouds in view.

One of the performance improvements introduced with the last patch is to re-use 
clouds rather
than generating unique clouds for each position. This makes a significant 
performance difference
on my system (about 5fps IIRC), but means that occasionally you end up between 
two instances
of the same cloud, and the sprites need resorting as you change the view.

You can avoid this by increasing the number of cloud types in the Rendering 
Options dialog, then
toggling "Enable 3D clouds" to cause re-generation. At the moment the slider 
goes to 20, which
minimizes the probability of hitting this issue. Obviously, we could increase 
the limit still further 
if required.



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