On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:34 AM, Martin Spott wrote:

> Curtis Olson wrote:
> > This might be a perfect time for someone to start assembling and
> developing
> > a set of tools and instructions for migrating MSFS aircraft over to
> > FlightGear.
> Let me have a little informal poll in this context: Do we still depend
> on a text-only file format for 3D models ?

FlightGear supports any 3d model format that OSG has a loader/plugin for.
There must be some sort of model conversion path from MSFS given the right
set of tools.  One thing that would be really cool is if someone could
figure out the MSFS model animation scheme and write some sort of conversion
utility or migration assistant to help with model animations.  Cockpits
might be another issue, and of course flight dynamics are an issue.  So the
process isn't trivial, but someone looking to do a quick migration test
could plug in a similar dynamics model as a place holder until they can come
back and do more detailed work on that front.


Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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