On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Martin Spott  wrote:

> Curtis Olson wrote:
> > No I agree, we shouldn't be mixing policy and capability up like this.
> Well, as long as the Flightgear development crowd fails at establishing
> procedures that, for example, allow to negotiate on 'moderate' system
> settings (or whatever is at stake), you can't expect people to
> subordinate the dictate of a very individual. The project should do
> it's homework first,

Wild fires are a newly added feature to CVS, the table is wide open for
discussion if anyone cares to discuss the issue.  Let's not bring our pet
peaves into the discussion, that only obfuscates the real issues.

I sincerely hope that Gerard will revert this change and again, leave the
choice of what application level features are enabled to the end user, not
to the aircraft designer.

If we want to have a discussion about defaulting wild fires off versus on,
let's do that.  That's the real issue that Gerard is attempting to address.
And even if the result of the discussion is that wildfires are on by
default, anyone who prefers otherwise can *easily* make that change locally
at an application level.  There's no need to add cruft to individual
aircraft, that just creates a messy situation.

Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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