Curtis Olson wrote:
> Here's a question:  Does a 3rd party have the right to ask for the 
> modified source code, even if none of the entities receiving the 
> modified program don't care to ask for the source code?
Anybody who gets the binary is under the GPL entitled to the source - 
"gets the binary" is the operative phrase here.

As Melchior pointed out above me nobody who gets the binary (or source) 
is required to distribute it further, and if they don't do so, they 
don't need to give the source (or offer thereof) to anybody.

However from memory you also can't restrict the right of people TO 
distribute it if they get it, so you can't say "here's the software, 
it's GPL, but you must sign this other agreement which says you won't 
distribute it to anybody".

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