Anders Gidenstam wrote

> Hi,
> Have anyone else noticed that Nasal code embedded in 3d model XML files
> (e.g. in <nasal><load></load></nasal> blocks) do not execute on model
> loading anymore?
> Or is this a local problem with my installation (I have tried updating to
> the latest OSG development release and rebuilt SG and FG from scratch -
> no luck).
> Fastest way to test:
> Go to KNUQ and click on the doors of hangar one. If they open you don't
> have the bug, if you get
> Nasal runtime error: undefined symbol: scenery
>    at /animation[5]/action/binding, line 1
> your build have the problem.
> This problem must have been introduced fairly recently, in the last
> week or three. I know embedded Nasal worked 2009-05-04 when MPCarrier was
> committed (as it depends on embeddded Nasal and was working at that
> point).

Not so much [bug?] more [bug]. It's broken here as well under MSVC9. Looks
like it is related to the very recent SG/FG updates - I'll investigate more
later on today.

BTW - Tim's latest effort don't compile under MSVC9 either: fails in
options.cxx - - I've hacked a nasty work-around for now. I expect Fred will
sort it later.


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