On Friday 09 October 2009 00:21:11 James Turner wrote:
> On 8 Oct 2009, at 23:05, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > This, or something very like it, is a long outstanding proposal that  
> > never
> > quite made it. No one got a round tuit for it I guess. That said, a  
> > minute
> > delay on event-driven properties is probably too much.
> Well if it's 30 seconds, I think a 30 seconds 'synchronising state  
> with MP server' would be fine for most people - especially if it  
> happens in parallel with scenery loading.  If it's more like two  
> minutes, then it certainly needs some thought, but I'd rather have a  
> slightly sub-optimal UX for this case, but support event-drive props.  
> (Especially if I want to centralise ATIS / active runways / navaid  
> idents in the future, as John Denker has suggested before)
> Another option is for the MP server to cache all the props from each  
> client, and allow clients to request a 'burst' of the cached state  
> right after they connect, but before the normal updates start. I don't  
> know how the MP server->server tieing is implemented, but I suspect  
> such a cache would also be valuable in proxying event-driven props  
> between servers.

I'm actually working on a new MP-protocol. But since fgms is a one-man-show 
and my spare time is very limit, progress is very slow.

What I have done so far:

- handle UDP-traffic as a stream. Every client maintaines a receive-queue and 
a send-queue. The overlying process (fgms,fgfs) can simply read or write 
from/to clients as if it is a standard stream.

- The server maintains a list of clients. Every client has a property tree, 
filled with values read over MP-protocol

- The data sent over MP-protocol is defined in a property-xml-file, with 
additional attributes defining when to send (on change, evertime, once)

- authentication between client and server

Currently I'm trying to get everything working. I therefor I have written a 
pseudo client, called mpdummy. The code is currently not fully functional, as 
it is work in progress. I try my best to write some documentation of the 
current state over this weekend and put the current development version of 
fgms into cvs (the code currently in fgms-cvs is very outdated).

For the curious reader: You can find some information about the protocol and 
code under:
http://fgms.sourceforge.net/protocol/ (library documentation)
http://fgms.sourceforge.net/protocol.php (description about the protocol)

But keep in mind that this information is not cutting edge.


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