
> I think that's mainly due to the great work that Vadym has
> done on the textures.

Yep, but it was you who improved the code, I haven't get so nice pics with the 
older code...
> I have been doing a similar investigation.
> In fact, I think the textures Vadym produced are much
> closer to stratus clouds 
> than cumulus. So, if anyone wants to generate new cumulus
> textures, they 
> are very welcome to do so...

Maybe Vadym can make this also from the same source- would be great!

> I think these are ordering issues, but I don't know how to
> fix them.

With the new clouds textures the issues isn't very visible. In the moment I can 
live with it as you can see on the pics below.
> > And of course that they don't move with the wind! ;-)
> That is something that is on my to-do list.

Can't wait! :-)

> Thanks. I'll hopefully have the chance to have a look at
> this later today.
> -Stuart

Some pics which shows that with this clouds we are really close to or even took 
over the Qualitity of MSFS and X-Plane: just some contrast fixing and white 
balance and the black stripes added. I sent to a swiss flight simulation forum, 
I wait for answers....


Thanks again for this great work!


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