On 28/11/10 02:05 AM, Erik Hofman wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 10:28 -0800, Jeff Taylor wrote:
>> Everything is in sync.  I just updated it now, and it still gets the
>> same thing.
>> I ran it with all the defaults, like fgfs
>> --fg-root=/home/jeff/Computer/fg/flightgear/fgdata/
>> Looking again, it must be the C172P.  Running with --aircraft=ufo
>> prevents this crash.
> Odd, it looks like something uncommon otherwise others would have
> noticed it instantly (just checked it myself and no problem here).
> I've synced JSBSim again (the FDM of the c172) and pushed it to git, you
> could try if that fixes it for you.
> You also might want to try to run with '--enable-sound' to exclude sound
> driver problems and you could test with J3 Cub '--aircraft=Cub' to test
> if you've got the same problems with YASim.
OK.  So the Cub works, the ufo works.  (also updated to current git)  
Maybe you meant --disable-sound?  I tried both --enable-sound, and 
--disable sound, and neither worked.  Maybe it's something more specific 
to the C172?  I guess I would be able to work around this if it's just 
one aircraft, but I'd hate to see someone trying Flightgear who doesn't 
want to go to the trouble to work around it.  Is there any other info I 
could pull out of the debugger that would help?


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