On Sun, 2010-11-28 at 23:50 -0800, Jeff Taylor wrote:
> OK.  So the Cub works, the ufo works.  (also updated to current git)  
> Maybe you meant --disable-sound?  I tried both --enable-sound, and 
> --disable sound, and neither worked.  Maybe it's something more specific 

Ah yes off course..

> to the C172?  I guess I would be able to work around this if it's just 
> one aircraft, but I'd hate to see someone trying Flightgear who doesn't 
> want to go to the trouble to work around it.  Is there any other info I 
> could pull out of the debugger that would help?

So it looks like to be a JSBSim problem, now you could try to test a
turbine powered aircraft like the F-16 to try to pinpoint the problem.
It would probably be a good idea to try running FlightGear inside a
debugger an provide a backtrace if possible.


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