>> We already adjust the greyness of the sea to reflect the overcast
>> value. (It would also be nice if the visible weather in Global matched
>> the
>> description a bit better: we make the sea grey when it's overcast, but
>> the sky is still mostly blue).

> This sounds all really nice and thank you very much for improving this
> shaders. But for visible weather we need shadows. Just "dimming
> reflection" by some general cloud density makes no sense for me.

It seems to me there's a difference between 'we need' and 'would be nice
to have'. What, precisely, do we really 'need' shadows for?

I'd very much like to have clouds cast real shadows, but: How? Clouds are
not 'real' 3d objects in models space, they are rotated stacks of texture
sheets. So you can't use any 'real' shadow-generating technique like for a
normal object.

Real time ray intersection with some ad-hoc light absorbing distribution
is out for performance reasons. So we'd somehow have to pre-calculate a
shadow distribution (I've worked out the math for that so far), pass it to
the shader and project that onto the ground (no idea how to do that in a
seamless way), and since it doesn't do to have bright sunny ships with
crisp sunlight reflections in a shadowy patch of water, the information
needs to go to every single object shader and used there to dim
reflections (no idea about the performance footprint of that). As far as I
understand, every reflection shader in the scene somehow needs to know if
its position is in shadow or not

What I really need is a framerate above 20, preferably 30. I'd rather have
that without cloud shadows than a framerate of 2-3 with cloud shadows. I
don't know about the rest of us... But if you know a fast way of rendering
the cloud shadows - please just let me know.

Sorry, I'm just getting a bit touchy about reading 'we need' - I've had
too much of that recently.


* Thorsten

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