Good work guys. Thanks.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Cedric Sodhi wrote:
> NOTE: Some aircrafts explicitly require to be inside of FGDATA, because
> they are programmed to expect their own data files to be found in
> FGDATA. These airplanes will give you an error if you put them outside
> of FGDATA (as you must).
> In order to solve this, you can symbolically link them individually into
> FGDATA (Git is already told to ignore those links).
> $ ln -s /usr/local/flightgear/aircrafts/c172p /path/to/fgdata/Aircraft/
> ===========

Surely that would be a bug in the aircraft that should be fixed?

Also, IIRC there are a number of aircraft that have dependencies on other
aircraft. Presumably this would be a good opportunity to fix those as well?


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