On 10/18/2011 10:24 AM, Cedric Sodhi wrote:
> Thanks to the concentrated effort of all people involved, most notably
> Jorg - who I'd hereby like to thank on behalf of all of us, for spending
> three successive days and nights branching, cloning, filtering,
> splitting and verifying data -
> FGDATA has, by today, successfully been split
> into individual repositories, comprising the respective planes and
> FGDATA "core" data.
> Again:
> === !!! ===
> > From the present day on, the development version of FGDATA NO LONGER
> CONTAINS ANY AIRPLANES - You will have to clone a new FGDATA!
> ===========
> - Airplanes migrated -
> All airplanes, hitherto found in $FGDATA/Aircraft/, have been removed
> from that place in the development version of FGDATA and can presently
> be found in their individual repositories at the following URL
> https://gitorious.org/flightgear-aircraft
> (Disclaimer: HTML page is rather huge)
> Please contact either of the following administrators to be given
> priviledges on one of those repositories:
> https://gitorious.org/+flightgear-aircraft/memberships
> - New FGDATA Core -
> FGDATA is now without any aircraft. The only things which remain in
> FGDATA's "Aircraft" directory are general purpose data which are used by
> a bulk of different airplanes. The respective directories of these data
> are
> Generic
> Instruments
> Instruments-3d
> Despite its name, now a historical relict, NO AIRCRAFT SHALL EVER BE
> The new FGDATA can be found in the official repository at the following
> https://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata-new
> The repository is named "fgdata-new" for the time being and the old
> "fgdata" is kept arround, frozen, to have a fallback if anything should
> happen.
> Please contact either of the following administrators to be given
> priviledges on the new fgdata repository:
> https://gitorious.org/+flightgear-developers/memberships
> - Development -
> All aircraft related development shall henceforth be performed on
> repositories which are maintained by the respective authors.
> It is planned that most of the repositories on
> https://gitorious.org/flightgear-aircraft
> will be dissolved over time and be taken over by the respective authors.
I don't understand the above (up to - Development -).

1.  Are you saying that aircraft developers cannot leave their aircraft in


indefinitely?  So do we need to set up our own git repository for each 
ac we maintain?  This raises the knowledge/experience bar required for 
aircraft developers/maintainers.

2.  Assuming the answers are no, yes, to #1, will all these repositories 
be centrally located so one can track new or modified ac of interest?

3.  Is there any interest in creating repositories by ac class/type?  
e.g. historical, military-fighter, military-transport, 
civilian-light-ac, airliners, etc.

By the way, thanks for all the work on this and also for this helpful 
note of documentation!

> On a sidenote, some of those repositories are already superflous because
> development has long been moved somewhere else. These are the first
> repositories which will be decomissioned.
> Only repositories for which no author is found will remain stored
> centrally.
> Development on the rest of FGDATA will continue in the new FGDATA
> repository until further notice, possibly until more components are
> migrated, as it has been brought forward.
> https://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata-new
> - Usage -
> To keep up with the new structure, commit all your local changes on your
> old FGDATA and move its directory out of the way (for example by
> renaming it).
> $ cd fgdata
> $ git commit -a
> $ cd ..
> $ mv fgdata fgdata-OLD
> Next, clone the new repository of FGDATA
> $ git clone git://gitorious.org/fg/fgdata-new.git fgdata
> IF YOU HAD LOCAL CHANGES, you will need to reapply these changes. This
> could be a little adventurous, because these are actually two separate
> repositories and you can't just rebase. You'll have to prepare the
> patches and apply them over. If you need help with this, check on the
> official IRC channel at
> irc://irc.flightgear.org/flightgear
> for help.
> Now you have the new core FGDATA (possibly with your own changes, if you
> followed the hint above).
> In the coming days, we will provide you with scripts which conveniently
> fetch your personal selection of aircrafts; until then you will have to
> manually obtain them from the repositories. Here is how:
> directory somewhere completely different, say,
> /usr/local/flightgear/aircrafts
> and store the aircrafts in there (for example clone them from their
> repositories). If you specify that directory on the command line to
> Flightgear, it will find them, altough they are not in the FGDATA
> directory. E.g.:
> $ ./fgfs --fg-aircraft=/usr/local/flightgear/aircrafts
> NOTE: Some aircrafts explicitly require to be inside of FGDATA, because
> they are programmed to expect their own data files to be found in
> FGDATA. These airplanes will give you an error if you put them outside
> of FGDATA (as you must).
> In order to solve this, you can symbolically link them individually into
> FGDATA (Git is already told to ignore those links).
> $ ln -s /usr/local/flightgear/aircrafts/c172p /path/to/fgdata/Aircraft/
> ===========
> If you are experiencing problems you can find people who can help you on
> IRC.
> regards,
> ManDay, on behalf of the Split-Team ^^
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
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