Hi Martin,

>  http://www.gitorious.org/fg/sceneryweb

Will certainly try to find the time to 'look' at 
the scripts... and thanks as usual for sharing the 

> QGIS - it's not as nice a command line utility...

No, it is NOT, but thanks for this reminder... 

After a bit of effort to get binary (v1.7.3) installed 
in Ubuntu, using apt-get, I now have it running...

But, to me this is just another VERY steep learning 
curve to get it to show anything meaningful, useful...

Yes, so far 'Adding a Vector' allows me to load shapefiles,
then choosing a 'style', and 'Show it in overview' does 
draw the vectors in the selected styles, and I can zoom, 
and move about, etc... keeping it all as a 'project'...

But WOW, as usual, WHAT AN EFFORT ;=((

Back in May 2009 I had tried to compile QGIS 1.0.2 from 
source, using cmake at the time, but gave up...

It seems meantime it has swung over to using Qt for 
something, and this is interesting... and git/githib 
instead of svn... but seems still cmake...

I will again persist with it for a while... and see how 
far I get before shear exhaustion again sets in ;=)) 

But look forward to any other suggestions for simple 
'viewing' of shapefiles specifically...

Re: programmed downloads

As your server logs should show I have now tested quite 
a number of individual layers downloads (using wget, 
around Hong Kong), and there appears no problems so 
far... will test more...


PS: My first QGIS image of some osm shapefiles -

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