On Sat, 2012-01-07 at 21:09 +0200, Adrian Musceac wrote:
> On Saturday, January 07, 2012 20:23:02 Geoff McLane wrote:
> > Hi Adrian,
> > 
> > No, I do NOT think they should be hidden!
> > 
> > After the user has used the mouse selection, [s]he may choose
> > to modify the fields, say rounding them, etc, which would be
> > difficult, impossible with the mouse, so I think they should
> > stay... even enhanced with labels to say what they are...
> > 
> > So why not use the right side of the table for this? They
> > could be set vertically, with labels, to keep the right side
> > narrow, if that is a concern...
> > 
> > It would seem unnecessary, and CONFUSING, to have TWO visible
> > [download buttons], one _ON_ the map and one to the right, no?
> > 
> Hi Geoff,
> I was talking about the map at index.php, not the small iframe, of course.
> I don't know how Martin plans to use the small iframe on the other page, I 
> only modified the index.php part. But your iframe code is good too, if the 
> lightmap is swapped for the big one.
> Cheers,
> Adrian

Hi Adrian,

Agreed. Of course it depends on what Martin 
wants ;=))

I just downloaded /lightmap/index.php and find it 
is VERY similar to /map/index.php, except 'lighter' -
that is the same idea but MUCH less code, no options... 

It is not really smaller or larger in that both use 
the same 'bounds'...

And he did write -
>> Feel free to go ahead, the foundation of the web 
>> map is OpenLayers.
> This config, to be precise:
>   http://mapserver.flightgear.org/git/gitweb.pl\

So we must wait and see which way Martin jumps, maybe 
after the baby is in bed (swimming?) ;=))


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