On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Thorsten Renk wrote:
>> This behaviour is hardcoded, as there needs to be a default fallback
>> effect/shader when none is specified in the model and shaders are turned
>> on.
> Yes, I know that - but can you somehow catch that it's a cockpit you're
> loading rather than a scene model and hard-code that pointing to a
> different default effect file?

I don't think you want to be changing the behaviour for all cockpits, just
the one that is your aircraft.  For other aircraft (AI/MP), you want
them to fade
etc. just like the scenery and the rest of the aircraft model.

So, I think you can constrain what you want to do to objects that are very
close to the viewer. That's mainly (but not exclusively) your aircraft cockpit.

IIRC we have two separate cameras, one for 0.0 to ~2m and another from 2m to
the visibility range. Perhaps it might be possible to use a different
default effect
for objects using the near camera? or pass in a Uniform indicating which
camera is rendering the object.

Alternatively, are you not already determining the distance of the
object from the
viewer? Can you now simply put an if() test around this, or are there fragment
shader implications as well?


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