> Agreed, this stuff is all about plausible heuristics, but I think this  
> one fails the 'plausible in enough areas' test. Hopefully we'll (soon)  
> be able to suggest land cover updates to fix any areas with these kind  
> of data issues, once the world scenery rebuild completes.

Somewhat ironically, the procedural heuristics tends to produce (at least for 
my taste) much better visuals in lowres scenery than in hires scenery. The 
reason is that while I can fix tiling and detail resolution for good, I can not 
really fix the sharp landcover boundaries.

I can de-emphasize them by having one or two overlay textures continuous across 
a boundary, so they don't stick out dramatically at first sight as they would 
do without texture mixing, but I do not know how to make them really go away 
except in very specific cases (using vegetation ordering in altitude and 
gradient in the mountains) - the shader simply doesn't know where the seams 
are, so they can't be hidden.

As a result, we get beautifully organic transitions of forest into grass or 
rock patches where the shader drives the transition, mixed with the straight 
line divisions introduced by landcover (and terrain tile) boundaries.  And thus 
for instance  the lowres desert scenery around Las Vegas where all is 
essentially classified as ShrubCover and then all visible structure is 
generated by the shader looks more to me a bit more compelling than hires 
France scenery where lots of rock bands are genuine landcover.

So to my mind, the landcover boundaries are currently the single most severe 
obstacle to close-to-photo-quality terrain rendering, and I think any strategy 
to give the shaders the means to smooth them over would be highly valuable 
(needless to say, I don't have any idea how to do that in the current framework 
- somehow if we would know the center position of each triangle, we could 
expand it in the vertex shader to overlap with the neighbours and make the edge 
more transparent in the fragment shader - that would do the trick - but we 
don't have the triangle center position...).

Anyway, my 5 cents...

* Thorsten

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