> You may be right that I did not pick the exactly right person for every  
> line of code.
> But I also did not get the completely wrong one as you never cared for  
> the state of the art even if being pointed to.

Quoting myself:

"You did no such thing, Mathias. You gave a completely incomprehensible, highly 
technical sermon here which I tried to figure out for an hour googling every 
third word or so and then gave up. You did not answer any follow-up questions, 
usually you just appear here,  throw technical comments in and then disappear 
again. If you really want any of your comments to be taken into account, you 
should perhaps consider making some effort to make yourself understood and take 
the time to explain things. It's great to be knowledgeable, but that's only 
part of it - the ability to explain what you know in easy words to others is a 
very important other part.

I promise I'll listen if you really want to try to explain and answer 

Sums it about up.

> If you think that you are right just by being the last one in the mail thread 
> than you are actually very wrong. That just does mean that you have probably 
> the most sloppy job so that you can write more mail than others.
I am right because the problem you refer to (i.e. users selecting a low quality 
level still being affected by performance overhead) doesn't exist in realityfor 
terrain  because we compile a new shader for every quality level. Rather than 
admitting that and going on from there or taking into account any of the other 
arguments made, you turn this into a 'but you aren't right in any case' type of 
argument and rant about my 'sloppy job'? Is this really an adult conversation?

> I am after technically superior stuff not after fighting for that.

I'm all for that, but you just being for it doesn't change anything for what I 
do - you need to transmit the information you undoubtedly have  to me in a way 
that I understand, and you need to read and understand what I say in return. 
Without communication, no transfer of information and without you understanding 
what the question is and me understanding how the technically superior solution 
works, no progress. As simple as that.


* Thorsten
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