On Wed, 30 Jan 2013 22:02:24 +0100, Alex wrote in message 

> Ahoy Guys,
> while doing some research for the wiki[1] the idea came across to
> center the (seemingly not properly working) "runway projection", the
> big fat arrow on the default HUD, pointing to one o'clock here[2], and
> make it more flexible. Even though it does not actually project the
> active runway on the HUD, it still points to its direction. I am aware
> that sooner or later canvas[3] will replace the actual HUD system and
> therefore probably not much effort will go into the current one
> anymore. However, until then it would be nice to make something more
> useful out of it or, as a second option, disable the instrument in
> Huds/default.xml. And because the arrow is very obvious, just letting
> it hang out at the corner does not make the HUD prettier.
> Enclosed are two patches, both tested on FG 2.10 and git "next":
> HUD-runway_offset-fgdata.diff
>   Changes the coordinates in runway.xml to have it centered. Nearly,
> at least. For unknown reason it disappears if centered along the
> y-axis. Therefore that one unit offset in the patch.
> HUD-runway_property-fg_source.diff
>   Alters the property for the airport "runway" is pointing at from
>   "/sim/presets/airport-id" to "/sim/tower/airport-id". Right after
>   starting FG these are the same but now the user is able to make the
>   arrow pointing to some other airport or to the closest one by
> setting up the "Tower Position" via menu.
> A screenshot[4] showing the centered one for your approval or not.
> Thank you very much
> Alex
> [1] http://wiki.flightgear.org/HUD
> [2] http://wiki.flightgear.org/File:HUD_default_overview.png
> [3] http://wiki.flightgear.org/Canvas_HUD

..[3] got me a wee bit confused, "fpv" here means 
Flight Path Velocity Vector, not First Person View?
I played with FPV and OSD in the search field, "OSD" 
is FPV-slang for "HUD", and these comes in _all_ kinds 
of screen style variants, so I guess we could use a 
wee mention to point FPV people the right way here. ;o)

> [4] http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/fgfs-screen-259.php

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
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  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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