A wee heads-up,

I'm working on tooltip support, since I think it could offer a huge usability 
win. There's a couple of points here:

        - hovering over a pickable item can show a configurable prompt: think 
'Avionics Master: ON' or 'Fuel tank selector: LEFT TANK'

        - pickable controls, including the new knob animation, will be able to 
show a floating bubble with the live value as they change.  This should make 
controls where the feedback value is not beside the knob/dial/lever much more 
usable - e.g. the CRS / HDG knobs in the Citation-X, would show a tooltip with 
'Course - 129 deg' changing in realtime.  Even for toggle switches, often the 
legibility of the panel text isn't great, so a pop-up confirming the new state 
should really help people, I think.

(of course we can have a global pref to disable such tips for people who find 
them distracting / unnecessary)

But there's a final benefit - I can imagine tutorials using the same mechanism 
to place a prompt text in world coordinates, i.e 'click this thing here!'. 
Which would obviously be beneficial in many complex cockpits. That will need a 
bit more work, of course.

I'm expect a few iterations to find something that is usable without being 
intrusive, so please be patient. In particular the interaction with the 
existing (centred) 'popup text' mechanism needs to be figured out, to avoid 
cluttering the screen.


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