matthiasm wrote:
> No, you guys are correct.
> Very nice, thank you!

        Fixed; changed "touched" -> "overwritten".

        Ian, also added a few more extents tests mainly out of curiosity..
        I wanted to see what "`````", "-----", and "_____" looked like,
        as well as some separate text with descenders (gjpq).

        I basically made a subroutine out of the code that draws the text
        and boxes; maybe you can double check my work to make sure I didn't
        drop something out that was important.

        I've applied the above mods to the website copy at:

        ..and added a v0.3 comment at the top, as well as a 1.0 submit:

// Fltk unit tests
// v0.1 - Greg combines Matthias + Ian's tests
// v0.2 - Ian's 02/12/09 fixes applied
// v0.3 - Fixes to circle desc, augmented extent tests, fixed indents, added 
// v1.0 - Submit for svn

        So if you don't see that, hit reload.

        If all works ok, feel free to check it in.

        I figure easiest thing is to replace unittests.cxx with the above,
        to avoid needing to change any Makefiles.

ps. I also added a call to mainwin->show(argc, argv); so that the app
    inherits the window manager's look, the way the other tests do.
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