Fabien Costantini wrote:
>>      Mike (or someone), can you add me to svn?
> If it's not done already, just fill the application form on the website,
> I'm sure you'll get an answer rapidly ;-)

        Ah, thanks -- didn't know that was there.
        I see there's a "Request Developer Status" under 'My Account'.. cool.

>>      Duncan, if you want, I can join the dox effort.
> As the doxygen dox 1.3 initiator, I'd also welcome your efforts in that field.

        Great; sorry, guess I forgot all the folks involved in the dox push..
        quite a Herculean effort, I'm sure..!

>>      If you're still in the initial stages of working out the
>>      dox style, I can hold off, or avoid certain parts you're
>>      still working on. We can synchronize by email.

>> Not sure I understand what you mean here, but I would prefer
>> that you harmonize with existing dox style first which is no looking
>> bad imho. Then any suggestions are welcome to improve it of course.

        Will do.

        Wasn't sure if the dox strategy had been stabilized.

>>      I'd also be happy to start or assist in the creation of an
>>      FLTK doxygen "standards" page that describes how docs should
>>      appear, so that new docs follow a certain format.

        Great; I'll see if I can give it a start.

        When/if I do, I'll follow up here in fltk.development.

        I'll just hit the commenting style stuff based on what I see,
        then you guys can flesh it out/correct me, as there's probably
        details re: latex/tex gen that I know nothing about.

        Regarding actual FLTK doc tweaking, I expect I'll only be
        enhancing what's already in place.. I take it you all did the
        heavy lifting of converting the old html over to dox.
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