Greg Ercolano wrote:
>       Note: doxygen will warn us if \param[in] xxx is used in dox,
>       but doesn't match the parameters in the prototype.
>       So if we use \param[in], that will catch that kind of problem.
>       Of interest: "\p xxx" does NOT do checking.
>       Maybe \p should be avoided for that reason,
>       because it doesn't appear to do any consistency checks.
>       (Not sure why..)

    Maybe \p shouldn't be avoided, but maybe \param[in] should
    at lease be specified additionally, to ensure checks are done.

    I'm currently using these doxygen comments in my widget
    which comes out nicely and does the name verification:

--- snip

    /// Sets the Fl_Pixmap to be used as the default user icon for all
    /// newly created items.
    /// If you want to specify user icons on a per-item basis,
    /// use Fl_Tree_Item::usericon() instead.
    /// \param[in] icon -- The new Fl_Pixmap to be used, or
    ///                    zero to disable user icons.
    void usericon(Fl_Pixmap *icon) {

--- snip

        The result I get from the doxygen docs is literally:

--- snip

    Sets the Fl_Pixmap to be used as the default user icon for all
    newly created items.

    If you want to specify user icons on a per-item basis, use
    Fl_Tree_Item::usericon() instead.

        [in] val -- The new pixmap to be used, or zero to disable user icons.

--- snip

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