> Yup: we get a lot of that. There's a few warnings about this on the
> website, but folk just don't see 'em...

Well, I guess that's what I get for coding rather than surfing the interwebs.  

> OK... nesting windows within windows within windows... has always
> been a bit fragile in fltk2, so that amy be your problem.

They're only nested one level deep... all child windows are children of the 
main window.  Subgroups of widgets within windows are handled via Groups.

> I forget what host you are on - certainly "deep" nesting of windows
> on OSX is deeply suspect...

Noted.  I'm on Linux (SuSE).

> I suspect it is the nesting that is causing the problems.

I got it working.  I had some baadf00d laying around, didn't find it until I 
rearranged my GL class hierarchy (which was also part of the fix).  No 
explanation as to why Linux didn't bomb and valgrind didn't puke.

Oh well, chalk it up to the perils of cross-platform coding.

Thanks for stepping up and taking a swing, tracking the window nesting actually 
led me to the problem.

Still stymied on the glGetError() problem, but moving on to font issues...

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