On 10/03/11 02:25, Dave Rhodes wrote:
> I have wriiten an application, running on windows , compiled with cygwin. I 
> want to stretch this over 2 screens. My screens are 2560 wide by 1600 high. 
> The intial window will only open on one screen (ie I can't make the fltk main 
> window > 2560), so I can click on the right hand edge and re-size the window. 
> When the opengl window gets to 4096 pixels it will no longer re-size and 
> hangs ( a call glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS, HSize), returns 8092 for 
> the max viewport). Conversly on my laptop which returns 4096 for the max 
> viewport , I can create a glut window of 8092 before the viewport fails - in 
> both cases there does not appear to be errors reported from opengl. The main 
> startup fltk-glut  is similar to the fractals.cxx in the test program , which 
> also exhibits the same resize/hanging problem. Is this an fltk-glut 
> intraction problem , or just an opengl/glut problem.

        Have you tried taking one of the example glut apps
        and making the window that large?

        I think in most multiscreen projection systems I've seen,
        the app makes a separate window for each screen, and sets the
        camera or viewport appropriately so that the screens
        stitch together predictably at the edges.
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