imacarthur wrote:
> OK - below is my reworked offscreen demo.
> Sorry to all that it ended up being so long, but I got a bit carried  
> away.

        Thanks Ian.. I wanted to try your app too, but noticed
        your mail program (Apple Mail?) wordwrapped the code
        in such a way it won't compile.

        I fixed the lines so that it would compile, and am
        re-posting that result here with wordwrap off on your behalf.

        I nicked word wrapping in thunderbird by setting the word wrap
        margin to 999, as I paste a lot of code and terminal reports
        to people, and after 20 years of vi/unix email, seem to have
        automatic carriage returns built into my wrists.

        (Also, added #include <time.h>, cause my linux box needed it.)

* * *

//   fltk-config --compile offscreen-test.cxx

/* Standard headers */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>       // time()

/* Fltk headers */
#include <Fl/Fl.h>
#include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
#include <FL/x.H>
#include <Fl/Fl_Box.H>
#include <Fl/fl_draw.h>

static Fl_Double_Window *main_window = 0;
static Fl_Offscreen oscr = 0;
static int os_w = 0, os_h = 0;

class oscr_box : public Fl_Box {
     void draw();
     int handle(int event);
        int x1, y1;
        int xoff, yoff;
        int drag_state;
        int page_x, page_y;
     oscr_box(int x, int y, int w, int h);

oscr_box::oscr_box(int x, int y, int w, int h) : Fl_Box(x,y,w,h){
     /* Constructor */
        x1 = y1 = 0;
        xoff = yoff = 0;
        drag_state = 0;
        page_x = page_y = 750;
} // Constructor

void oscr_box::draw() {
        int wd = w();
        int ht = h();
        int xo = x();
        int yo = y();

        fl_rectf(xo, yo, wd, ht);

        if(oscr) { // offscreen exists
                fl_copy_offscreen(xo, yo, wd, ht, oscr, page_x, page_y);
        else { // create offscreen
                main_window->make_current(); // seem to need a context to base 
the offscreen on...
                os_w = 2000; os_h = 2000;
                oscr = fl_create_offscreen(os_w, os_h);
} // draw method

int oscr_box::handle(int ev) {
        int ret = Fl_Box::handle(ev);
        // handle dragging of visible page area - if a valid context exists
        // all sorts of editor stuff needs to be added here... later...
        if(oscr) {
                int x_max = os_w;
                int y_max = os_h;

                switch(ev) {
                case FL_ENTER:
                        ret = 1;

                case FL_LEAVE:
                        ret = 1;

                case FL_PUSH:
                        x1 = Fl::event_x_root();
                        y1 = Fl::event_y_root();
                        drag_state = 1; // drag
                        ret = 1;

                case FL_DRAG:
                        if(drag_state == 1) { // dragging page
                                int x2 = Fl::event_x_root();
                                int y2 = Fl::event_y_root();
                                xoff = x1 - x2;
                                yoff = y1 - y2;
                                x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
                                page_x += xoff;
                                page_y += yoff;
                                // check the page bounds
                                if(page_x < -w()) page_x = -w();
                                else if(page_x > x_max) page_x = x_max;
                                if(page_y < -h()) page_y = -h();
                                else if(page_y > y_max) page_y = y_max;
                        ret = 1;

                case FL_RELEASE:
                        drag_state = 0;
                        ret = 1;

        return ret;
} // handle

static oscr_box *os_box = 0; // a widget to view the offscreen with

static void oscr_drawing (void) {
        Fl_Color col;
        static int icol = 56;
        static int ox = 1000, oy = 1000;
        static int iters = 3456;

        if(!oscr) return;

        fl_begin_offscreen(oscr); /* Open the offscreen context for drawing */

        if(iters > 1024) {
                fl_rectf(0, 0, os_w, os_h);
                iters = 0;

        icol++; if(icol > 255) icol = 56;
        col = (Fl_Color)icol;
        fl_color(col); // set the colour

        int rnd = rand();
        double drx = (double)os_w * (double)rnd / (double)RAND_MAX;
        rnd = rand();
        double dry = (double)os_h * (double)rnd / (double)RAND_MAX;
        rnd = rand();
        double drt = 4.0 * (double)rnd / (double)RAND_MAX;

        int ex = (int)drx;
        int ey = (int)dry;
        fl_line_style(FL_SOLID, (int)drt);
        fl_line(ox, oy, ex, ey);
        ox = ex; oy = ey;

        fl_end_offscreen(); // close the offscreen context
} // oscr_drawing

static void oscr_anim(void *) {
        if(oscr) { // offscreen exists, draw something
        Fl::repeat_timeout(0.1, oscr_anim);
} // oscr_anim

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
        main_window = new Fl_Double_Window(400, 300, "Offscreen demo");
        os_box = new oscr_box(5, 5, 390, 290);

        main_window->show(argc, argv);

        Fl::add_timeout(0.1, oscr_anim);

        return Fl::run();
} // main

/* end of file */
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