I met Mrs Knowles in Paris, at a celebration Bertrand Clavez organized, pretty cool lady! I even got lost in the facilities of the Ecole Superieur (after some glasses of wine of course!) and she was very kind to help me out!

----Original Message Follows----
From: "alan bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
To: <FLUXLIST@scribble.com>
Subject: FLUXLIST: Alison Knowles
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 11:23:37 +0200

  Dear All who wrote....

I have your questions for Alison, it's just that we have been very busy and there hasn't really been a good moment to sit down and look at them properly. I haven't forgotten! We will be performing at the Museo Fortuny on June 15. I'll try and make any photos etc available (if anyone's interested). I mentioned the idea of perhaps corresponding direct with the list and she seemed quite up for it - but we were full of cheap red wine... Emmett Wiliams was only in town for a couple of days as they were off to Verona to see Francesco Conz - who's publishing a new book of Ann Noel's. But I guess we could do it long distance.

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