Is Fluxus dead or alive?
In a nutshell, it seems to me that Fluxus is dead if it is defined as a movement in art and culture associated with the group of artists who came together in the early 1960s with George Maciunas at its centre. However, if Fluxus is defined as an approach to art and culture centred around the idea of Intermedia, then it remains very much alive. I am strongly inclined towards the latter view.
This of course is a question which may never be finally settled, especially given the tautological nature of the "Fluxus is dead" argument... I.E. If Fluxus is defined as a movement that existed between 1962 and 1978 or between any other relatively static dates than the definition itself precludes the possibility that Fluxus is still alive.
The group known as Secret Fluxus that was active on this list a while back epitomized this dialogue since they were alive and active Fluxus artists who seemed to believe that their performances were "re-enactments" rather the new performances of Fluxus events.
Allan Revich

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