> Here is Kleppers deck description:

> "The boat deck is made of cotton hemp. A proprietary weave of Egyptian
> cotton and hemp assures continuous air circulation and a healthy interior
> boat climate. In addition, the natural material provides a perfect fit of
> the boat skin and seals the deck watertight without the use of chemicals or
> artificial sealers."

I'd be careful believing marketing speak of natural material et al. I had just a new 
skin being made
(for that Moell kayak), the material being the same as Kleppers (from the same 
There's all kind of artifical stuff in that new cotton (dye, impregnation, different 
chemicals for
the efficient cotton production etc. not to mention the defoliants used for harvesting 
cotton) which
will slow down the process of drying for about a year of use (according to Markus 
Heise who makes
folding kayak skins for a living).

Perhaps Volker or Gerald can add their experience with "natural" cotton?

(very "greenish" today ...)

PS: I am okay with you forwarding my replies to the Kayak Bulletin Board.

Marian Gunkel
Rostock, Germany
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